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Gut Health and Testosterone

What is the link between Testosterone and Gut Health

Gut Health is a term that refers to the condition of your digestive system. It includes everything from your stomach and small intestine all the way down to your large intestine (colon). A healthy gut means that you have enough good bacteria in your digestive tract, which helps break down food and absorb nutrients so they can be used by your body.

The relationship between testosterone levels and gut health goes both ways: high levels of testosterone can help improve gut health, while poor gut health can lower testosterone production over time. 

The Impact of Poor Gut Health on Testosterone Levels

There are several ways that poor gut health can lead to low testosterone levels.

First, a compromised immune system and inflammation can cause your body to produce more estrogen than it should. This can be a problem because too much estrogen can decrease the amount of free testosterone in your body and cause other hormonal imbalances as well.

Second, poor diet choices such as eating too many processed foods or sugar may lead to a weak gut lining causing the food particles into the bloodstream. When the body attacks these food particles with antibodies, it causes inflammation. Inflammation makes the body store more visceral fat which leads to the production of cytokine. Cytokine adversely affects testosterone production

Foods That Can Improve Gut Health and Increase Testosterone Levels

The following are examples of foods that can improve gut health and increase testosterone levels:

Probiotic-rich foods such as yoghurt, kefir, kombucha tea and kimchi. These foods contain live bacteria that help maintain a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria in your digestive tract.

Foods rich in fibre such as whole grains (brown rice), legumes (lentils) and vegetables (broccoli). Fibre helps feed good gut bacteria so they can flourish by providing them with what they need to thrive on their own without overpopulating your intestines or colonizing other parts of your body where they don’t belong.

Supplements That Can Improve Gut Health and Increase Testosterone Levels

Supplements that can improve gut health and increase testosterone levels:

Probiotics are the most common supplement used to treat a compromised microbiome. They’re essentially “good” bacteria that help to restore balance in the digestive tract.

Prebiotics are non-digestible fibres that feed probiotics and promote their growth, helping them to flourish in your system.

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and yoghurt contain high concentrations of beneficial bacteria that help boost immunity while also improving digestion–a win-win!

How do I incorporate these supplements into my routine?

To get started on a daily regimen of probiotics or prebiotics (or both!), simply take one capsule with water before bedtime each night for at least two weeks before deciding whether or not they’re working for you–it takes time for these supplements’ effects on the body’s microbiome composition to become apparent! If possible though…eat more fermented foods too!


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