Sleeping position for bloated stomach

Sleeping position for bloated stomach

Bloating can be caused by overeating, consuming foods that produce gas, or having digestive problems. While food and lifestyle changes can help reduce bloating, sleeping posture can also assist. Sleep and digestion are linked in various ways, and how you sleep at night can help or impede your digestive system. As a result, changing your sleeping posture can also assist relieve bloating.

This blog discusses sleeping positions that can help relieve bloating, improve digestion, and promote a more peaceful night's sleep.

  1. Sleeping on your Left: The Best Sleeping Position
  • Sleeping on your left side is suggested for individuals who suffer from bloating because it encourages effective waste and gas movement from the small to big intestine. This is owing to the digestive system's inherent structure, with the stomach on the left side. 
  • The ileocecal valve, which connects the small and large intestines, is located on the lower right side, allowing waste to flow more easily. 
  • A study from the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology showed that people with acid reflux issues had a higher incidence when they slept on the right side versus the left.
  • Sleeping on the left may cause pain or interrupt your sleep, leading to poor digestion. Sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs to sleep softly and comfortably.
  1. Elevate the Upper Body to prop up for Comfort
  • Pillows can help prevent stomach acid from leaking back into the esophagus, lowering the risk of acid reflux and heartburn. This can help with bloating and indigestion too. 
  • Sleeping flat during a reflux attack can be uncomfortable and aggravate sinus or snoring symptoms. To ease these symptoms, raise your head, causing acid reflux to work against gravity. This posture also aids with sinus clearing and minimizes snoring. 
  • Begin with an additional cushion to get the ideal level of elevation. 
  • If you have severe acid reflux, GERD, or sleep apnea, consider using a cushioned wedge to support your head, neck, and ribs.
  1. Fetal Position for Comfort
  • By squeezing the stomach area and releasing trapped gas, the fetal position, in which you curl up on your side with your knees drawn towards your chest, can help relieve bloating. Switching sides on a regular basis might help to prevent stiffness. 
  • Using a cushion between your knees might help improve sleep hygiene by keeping your hips and lower spine in good alignment while sleeping on your side.
  1. On Your Back with Elevated Legs for a Gentle Stretch
  • Back sleeping can relieve bloating and increase overall comfort by evenly dispersing your body's weight and keeping your spine in a neutral posture. However, it is not suitable for persons who are overweight, pregnant, or suffering from back problems. 
  • Additionally, if your stomach bloating is caused by acid reflux or GERD, or if you snore, resting on your back may worsen your symptoms unless you elevate your head and chest. Sleeping on your back also promotes spinal health by enabling muscles to relax and reduce inflammation, resulting in reduced discomfort. On your mattress, the digestive system is also balanced, allowing food to pass through the intestines.
  • If you are new to lying on your back, try a quick meditation to help your muscles relax and adjust to the new position. 
  • Raising your legs slightly flattens the curve in your lower back, reducing strain on your back and making supine sleeping more comfortable. With the lumbar region supported, you can enjoy all the benefits of back sleeping, including a happier tummy.
  1. Avoid Sleeping on your Stomach: The least ideal for a bloated stomach
  • Sleeping on your stomach can cause pain, increased abdominal pressure, and trouble with spine alignment. It can also cause irritation and long-term toilet problems.
  • If you have GERD, reflux, or severe nausea, avoid resting on your back since it allows acid to move more easily. 
  • Sleeping on your side with your knees tucked may not be useful in treating constipation. Sleep in a posture that permits you to get out of bed quickly if you have diarrhea, since no sleeping position can assist.

Final thoughts

A good night's sleep is essential for general health, and changing your sleeping posture can enhance digestive health dramatically. Experiment with different postures and seek medical attention if bloating continues. Combining the proper sleeping posture with a healthy diet and lifestyle choices benefits digestive health and sleep. To develop a joyful, comfortable stomach, stay hydrated and comfy while resting.

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