What is IBS?

What is IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrom or IBS is the new term on the block. Let’s understand in a very crisp way about IBS. Gastrointestinal Issues can be divided into two categories - Organic GI Issues and Functional GI Issues. While organic issues are characterized by biochemical signals that have measurable physiological changes, functional GI issues have been termed as “not explainable by structural abnormalities” These issues consist of a group of lifestyle disorders which are characterized by symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating and the traditional pathology is not able to deliver measurable results

In simple terms, functional GI issues are syndromes or lifestyle disorders which can be managed in life. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one such functional disorder that develops in the intestines and can cause abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, gastritis, diarrhoea and a few other disturbances. 

The different symptoms of IBS are

  • Before jumping to find out IBS treatment, let us first understand the different types of IBS - 
  • IBS-D (Diahhrea is predominant)
  • IBS-C (Constipation is predominant)
  • IBS-M (Both constipation and diarrhoea persist)


  1. Change in the frequency of bowel movement - Diarrhea, Constipation and sometimes both
  2. Abdominal Pain and cramping
  3. Bloating and swelling of the stomach
  4. Flatulence
  5. The urgency to release bowels

What exactly happens inside the stomach

To find the right Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment, we need to understand what goes on in the intestines during IBS. In a non-IBS Patient, the colon muscles in the intestines contract and relax at a natural rhythm enabling easy passing of food. In some cases, the muscle spasm occurs and they begin to contract stronger than regular causing pain. This spasm can be triggered by very mild stimulations like eating, gas, certain foods etc. 

There are huge amounts of nerve endings present in our gut. Sometimes in IBS patients, the nerve endings are more sensitive which can lead to more bloating and more discomfort with a small amount of gas. 

Causes of IBS

There is no exact cause of IBS, however different factors are known to have strong correlations with IBS symptoms

  1. Food intolerances and insensitivities - Consumption of trigger food is known to have a correlation with IBS. Many people observe their IBS flaring up when they intake certain foods.
  2. Muscle Spasm - Intestinal muscle spasms can lead to IBS of all types. When the contractions are stronger, it can cause pain, bloating and gas and when the contractions are weaker, it can lead to constipation
  3. Food poisoning or infections - Bacterial or viral infections can lead to gastroenteritis which can weaken the gut lining and cause IBS
  4. Stress - The gut-Brain axis plays a major role. A weak gut-brain connection can result in bloating, diarrhoea and pain in response to digestive processes. Stress is known to create bowel urgency and worsens IBS symptoms
  5. Gut Imbalance - Many times the bad bacteria supersede the good bacteria in the gut which leads to a lot of imbalance that can trigger IBS symptoms.


Does IBS cure exist? Can IBS bloating be resolved? What about IBS D or IBS C treatment? These are the most important questions in the mind of the patient. Irritable Bowel Syndrome treatment is more management than cure. 

Let’s look at how IBS can be managed

  1. Deep Diagnosis - The first step is to consult a doctor and have a deep diagnosis of the case. A lot many times symptoms of Organic issues can look similar to the IBS issues and a patient might overlook them. However, it is important to consult a doctor to check for any red flags.
  2. Nutrition - Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of managing IBS. Identification of trigger foods, and consumption of foods which contain bacteria. The addition of healthy foods, elimination of trigger foods and eating a wholesome diet are of extreme importance
  3. Exercise - Walking, Yoga, Swimming, and Running are known to manage IBS symptoms and relieve issues like bloating, gastritis etc
  4. Stress Management - Mindfulness is of extreme importance. The first step is acceptance followed by an attitude change towards IBS. IBS cannot be cured with a single pill and is an issue that needs to be managed. A relaxed mind can help in curbing certain symptoms. 

So when it comes to IBS bloating treatment or IBS cramps treatment, the answer is always managing the symptom.

Reference - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4065948/

At Peping we provide holistic care for IBS. 

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