Things I can do after sunset to not get bloated at night

Things I can do after sunset to not get bloated at night

What is Bloating?

Bloating is a phenomenon in which your stomach feels full and tight, usually as a result of gas.

Bloating may be confused with other causes of a larger belly, including abdominal wall looseness. This is prevalent, particularly among older women and women who have had children.

It is critical to understand the distinction so that you can receive the appropriate therapy. When the abdominal area is full with food or feces, a toned abdomen might help you perceive the difference.

What Causes Evening Gas and Bloating?

Bloating is a phenomenon experienced by a large number of individuals throughout the world today. But why is this uneasy sensation of ingestion and gas in the belly so widespread nowadays, particularly in the evening? There are a number of potential explanations for this common bloating issue. Let's understand some of its causes.

There are various possible reasons of the bloating you experience in the late afternoon. One or more of these "minor" illnesses might be causing your indigestion, no matter how acute or painful it seems. Here are some of the possible underlying reasons of your indigestion and bloating:

Bloating-causing foods

  • Certain meals and beverages induce extreme bloating. 
  • Foods high in carbs, sugar, or that have been highly processed are the main causes of gas and bloating. Furthermore, beverages that are sweet and/or carbonated might produce bloating. 
  • While these are the traditional suspects for digestive issues, meals that appear to be completely safe might also induce bloating. 
  • Fruits and vegetables including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, sprouts, and beans are examples of difficult foods. 
  • Keep track of everything you consume throughout the day and night to see how it impacts your digestion.

Eating your meals, particularly dinner, at irregular times

  • Bloating can be caused by eating on an irregular schedule, particularly in the evenings. 
  • This is usually because the body's digestive cycle gets confused and erratic since it doesn't know when to expect its next meal.


Sedentism not only makes you fat, but it may also make you bloated! Regular exercise allows the body and digestive system to operate at peak efficiency.

Excessive salt in your diet

  • Most Americans' diets include much too much salt. It wouldn't be surprising if the same was true for your diet. 
  • Salt helps your body retain extra water within its tissues and is a major cause of gas and bloating in many people.

Drinking insufficient water or drinks throughout the day

  • Water is required for the human body to operate properly. This is especially true of the human digestive system! 
  • Drinking enough water helps your body drain pollutants, regulate salt amounts, and lubricate one’s organs to maximize their capacity to perform.

Consuming insufficient fiber

  • Fiber is an important ingredient that must be consumed in order for the digestive system to work properly. 
  • Fiber is necessary for the passage of digested substances through your gut. 
  • Adding more fiber to your diet is typically a quick fix for many bloating and gas problems.

Other Factors

  • Bloating that comes and goes is frequently caused by a digestive problem, a hormone imbalance, or both. 
  • These factors might also make you feel ill and fatigued. 

Your symptoms are generally not worrisome as long as they go away. However, if your bloated stomach persists or worsens, or if you have other signs of a serious disease, such as fever or vomiting, get medical assistance to rule out other medical reasons. These might include:


  • This is caused by a progressive accumulation of fluid in your abdominal cavity. 
  • It is primarily caused by liver illness, although it can also be caused by renal failure or heart failure.

Insufficiency of the pancreas

  • This is a type of pancreatic dysfunction that occurs when your pancreas is unable to produce enough digestive enzymes to perform its job in the digestive process.

Inflammation of the stomach or intestines (gastritis or enteritis)

  • This is frequently caused by a bacterial illness (most commonly, H. pylori infection) or excessive alcohol use. It is also linked to peptic ulcers.

Ovarian, uterine, colon, pancreatic, stomach, or mesenteric cancer

  • Annual check-ups with your primary care physician are essential for cancer screening.

When should you see a doctor for bloating?

Although uncommon, abdominal bloating and swelling might indicate a serious medical issue. Bloating can be caused by liver illness, inflammatory bowel disease, heart failure, renal difficulties, and some kinds of cancer.

Bloating that lasts for several days or weeks may suggest a health problem that requires medical treatment. It is best to consult a doctor if the bloating does not go away on its own.

People who have bloating in addition to these symptoms should seek medical attention:

  • Changes in appetite or eating difficulties
  • diarrhea, vomiting
  • Loss of weight
  • Fever
  • Severe stomach discomfort
  • black or dark maroon stools with brilliant scarlet blood in them

What alleviates bloating in the evening?

What gives long-term relief from bloating will be determined by the source of your suffering. To get to the bottom of it, you might need a professional diagnostic. There are a few home treatments you may try if you want to debloat quickly or avoid bloating in the near future.

  • Herbal teas such as peppermint, chamomile, ginger, turmeric, and fennel can help with digestion and gas processing. Dandelion tea can aid in the relief of water retention.
  • Natural antispasmodics include peppermint oil capsules. That is, they aid in the relaxation of your gut muscles. This can assist you pass blocked stool and gas, especially if you have a motility problem.
  • Antacids have been demonstrated to reduce inflammation in the digestive system and make it easier to evacuate gas. Antacids frequently contain the active component simethicone, which acts to pass gas by aggregating smaller gas bubbles.
  • Magnesium supplements aid in the neutralization of stomach acid and the relaxation of intestinal muscles. Magnesium has a natural laxative effect, which can be beneficial from time to time but can become habit-forming if used excessively.
  • Probiotics can assist in supplementing or rebalancing your gut microorganisms. Some will help you digest your meals more effectively, while others may actually assist absorb extra gasses. You may need to take them on a regular basis for a few days or weeks to observe an improvement.
  • Psyllium husks are a popular fiber supplement that can aid with regular bowel movements. Fiber supplements should always be introduced gradually and with plenty of water. As needed, over-the-counter laxatives can be utilized.
  • Exercise that focuses on core body strengthening on a regular basis can assist fight stomach bloating.

What can I do to avoid bloating?

If your bloating is caused by a poor diet or excessive alcohol consumption, you may assist prevent it by adopting certain lifestyle adjustments. Some broad guidelines are as follows:

Consume enough fiber

  • If you don't usually receive a lot of fiber in your diet, start slowly so you don't overwhelm your system. 
  • Fiber will initially generate more gas, but as it passes through your digestive tract, it will assist clear up the fermenting fecal matter that has become lodged there. 
  • Fiber also signals your body to drink more water and makes you feel full faster so you don't overeat. Finally, fiber is a prebiotic that aids in the feeding and promotion of healthy microorganisms in the gut.

Drink plenty of water 

  • This will promote motility throughout your digestive tract, preventing digesting food from getting too hard and compacted to pass through. 
  • Water also keeps you satiated between meals.

Get some physical activity

  • Exercise helps to keep your bowels flowing and prevents water retention.
  • It can also help prevent the quick weight gain that commonly leads to abdominal fat. 
  • Regular exercise may seem more difficult if you work at a desk, but it doesn't take much - just remember to get up and walk about every now and again.

Avoid eating processed meals 

  • Processed foods are heavy in salt and fat and poor in fiber. 
  • Salt induces water retention, whereas fat slows digestion since it takes longer to digest. All of these factors might contribute to constipation and bloating. 
  • Because processed meals are lacking in nutrients, they will make you feel hungry even after you've ingested a lot of calories. This leads to increased eating, exacerbating the situation.

Exercise mindful eating

  • Take your time chewing and stop before you're full. Feeling full is a delayed reaction because the food you consume takes time to reach your stomach. 
  • Most individuals eat enough to feel full before they can truly feel full.

Take note of any sensitivities. 

  • Whether it's alcohol or certain meals, simply paying attention can help you identify which elements make you the most sensitive. 
  • Some people keep a food journal and take notes on how different meals make them feel. 
  • You may also try removing foods one at a time to see if it makes a difference in your symptoms.

If the cause of your bloated stomach is more specific, such as a food intolerance, perimenopause, or a medical problem, you may want some assistance with diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Among the alternatives are:

Diet of elimination

  • A dietitian can assist you in going through an elimination diet to uncover your food sensitivities and allow your digestive system to recover. 
  • This typically entails following a highly limited diet for a short period of time and then gradually reintroducing various types of foods to observe how your body reacts. The low-FODMAP diet is an excellent option for bloating. 
  • FODMAP foods contain all of the carbohydrates that are typically associated with digestive issues, bloating, and gas.

Test for hydrogen breath

  • This straightforward test is an effective approach to screen for a variety of digestive diseases, including particular sugar intolerances and SIBO. 
  • It can be taken as an outpatient or at home, with results in a day or two.


  • If you are diagnosed with SIBO or another gut bacteria imbalance, your healthcare practitioner can help rebuild your microbiome by reintroducing the particular bacteria that you are lacking to help balance out the ones that are dominant.

Hormone replacement treatment 

  • Taking hormonal birth control tablets can help some women get rid of monthly bloating and other PMS symptoms. 
  • You can explore the pill's benefits and drawbacks with your doctor.
  • Supplemental estrogen and progesterone help some perimenopausal women with their symptoms. 
  • Consult your doctor to see if hormone replacement treatment (HRT) is correct for you.


  • This is a type of mind-body treatment that can aid in relaxation and retraining of physical functioning. 
  • If you suffer indigestion or constipation as a stress response, or if you have visceral hypersensitivity and feel bloated even though your digestion is normal, biofeedback may help avoid a bloated stomach.


When the abdomen feels full and tight, this is referred to as abdominal bloating. It is frequently caused by a buildup of gas anywhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Bloating makes the stomach appear bigger than usual, and it may also be sensitive or unpleasant. Bloating can also be caused by fluid retention in the body.

Understanding the source of bloating is the key to preventing it in the long run. A fiber-rich diet, water, and exercise may assist with moderate constipation, but these measures may not always help with persistent constipation. Chronic constipation and other problems, such as IBS or gastroparesis, necessitate medical treatment, so discuss your bloating symptoms with your doctor.

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