Treating dandruff with coconut oil

Treating dandruff with coconut oil

In this article, we will look at the efficacy of coconut oil against dandruff, as well as its benefits and potential side effects.

Dandruff is caused by excess skin cells flaking off the scalp. Some people see it as white flakes in their hair or on their clothes. Dandruff can itch as well, but scratching it can irritate your scalp and make your condition worse.

And if you believe that everyone has the same dandruff symptoms, you are mistaken. There are various types of dandruff, and it is critical to correctly identify them before deciding on a treatment plan.

Types of Dandruff

  • Dry Skin Dandruff: The most common condition that occurs in the winter is dry skin dandruff. This type of dandruff is very common in people with dry, curly hair.
  • Oil-Related Dandruff: Oil-related dandruff occurs when sebum oil accumulates on the scalp. This oil, which is secreted by the scalp glands, can cause clumps of dead skin cells and dirt to form itchy flakes. Stress and anxiety increase sebum oil secretion, which causes the condition.
  • Fungal Dandruff: Fungal Malassezia is a naturally occurring component of the skin and scalp. This fungus feeds on excess oil on the scalp, producing oleic acid as a byproduct, which causes skin cells to clump together, resulting in white flakes.
  • Disease-Related Dandruff: Some skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, cause an overproduction of skin cells, resulting in scaly skin on the scalp. Dandruff is caused when these skin cells come into contact with sebum oil and dirt.

Benefits of Coconut oil against Dandruff

Coconut oil is derived from the flesh of the coconut fruit and is high in vitamins and essential fats. It moisturizes the scalp while also removing excess sebum. Its antibacterial properties, combined with its penetrative and moisturizing properties, make it one of the most effective hair care products available.

  • Increasing Good Bacteria

Coconut oil, according to a 2021 study, can support a balanced fungal scalp microbiome (the colony of bacteria and fungi that keep your scalp healthy). The fungus M. globosa, which is associated with a healthy scalp, was also found to be more prevalent after coconut oil application, according to the study. In the same study, applying coconut oil also scaled down the presence of dandruff significantly.

  • Inflammation Reduction

Another study discovered that coconut oil may reduce pain and inflammation, which can aid in the relief of itchiness and pain associated with dandruff caused by certain skin conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.

  • Moisturizing

Coconut oil's fatty acids help to reduce dandruff irritation and flakes. Coconut oil is enriched with essential vitamins E and K, proteins, lauric acid, capric acid, etc. It penetrates easily into the hair shafts and scalp and gives a deep moisturizing, hydrating, and conditioning effect

Potential Side-Effects

Coconut oil is generally regarded as safe for use on the skin and scalp. There is, however, a slight risk of side effects, especially if you have sensitive skin or eczema.

Because it is an oil, it may irritate the scalp more in some people. If your dandruff is caused by seborrheic dermatitis, for example, coconut oil may make your scalp even oilier and worsen your dandruff.

Before applying coconut oil to your scalp, test a small area of your skin (such as your arm) for sensitivity. Wait a day to see if you have any side effects before applying it to your scalp, as reactions can take time to manifest.

As previously stated, dry and flaky scalps can range from mild to severe. In severe cases, seek the advice of a specialist or consider using medicated shampoo and conditioner. Coconut oil scalp treatments will not suffice in these situations and may cause more harm than good by clogging your pores and disrupting the balance of your skin's natural oils.

Other remedies for dandruff

The most well-known solution is over-the-counter (OTC) anti-dandruff shampoo. For those who prefer something more natural, there are scientifically proven home remedies for dandruff, such as baking soda, aloe vera, and apple cider vinegar. Some of these natural remedies also have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with the redness associated with dandruff.

If you've tried everything and still haven't seen results, consult your dermatologist. 

Our Take

The bottom line is that coconut oil is an effective home remedy for treating dandruff due to its antibacterial properties and presence of vitamins and essential fats. Coconut oil can be used to treat dandruff as a deep conditioner, massage oil, or in combination with other oils. However, before using this method to treat one's hair, one should consider the severity of their dandruff as well as their sensitivity to coconut oil.


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